Donation Options

Click a logo below to take you to the respective donation page

All donations across any payment platform will be manually added to the SLCC GoFundMe page. This allows us to show a running total of donations in one place, while giving each generous donor the public credit he or she deserves. We prefer donations through these payment platforms above, as they are not subject to GoFundMe’s 2.9% withdrawal fee that is paid on our end.

We are also seeking corporate sponsors for SLCC. There are various levels of sponsorship available with each donation tier. If you are interested in receiving an official corporate sponsorship proposal letter, please feel free to contact Jru Shurtleff by phone at (440) 821-5057 or by email at

Donations by cash or check can be made payable to “Earjrum Events” and mailed to the following address:

19257 Bennington Dr. Strongsville, OH 44136

If you wish to receive a donation receipt to use for tax deduction purposes, click the W.A.G.S. 4 Kids logo and make a donation directly to their organization. All other donations made through platforms above will be legally obtained by Earjrum Events and will not be considered tax deductible.